HR & Labour Law Specialists

Human Resources

In-House HR support

Set-Up all HR Systems/ Department


Settlement Agreements

Job Descriptions for all staff

Employment Contracts

  • Permanent staff
  • Temporary
  • Fixed Term contract
  • Consultants Contract

H.R. Policies and Procedures according to S.A. Labour Act

Company Handbook for all staff

  • About, Welcome, Vision, Mission, Co. approach, Staff Personnel record-keeping, Hours, Leave, Public holidays, Salary, Voting, Attendance and Punctuality, Salary payday and deductions, Salary review, Loans and Advances, Risk-benefit, Retirement benefits, Medical Aid, Retirement age, Notice period, Confidentiality and integrity, Dress Code, Long Service, Annual bonus, Appraisals, Moonlighting, Co. property, personal and immaterial property, Discipline in the workplace, Incapacity, Substance abuse, Firearms, Smoking, Recruitment, Promotions, References, Health and Safety, Skills Development. First Aid, Labour Relations Act, Sexual harassment, Increases/Bonuses/Incentives.  This list is limited and shall be expanded according to the company’s operational requirements.

Employment Equity Plan & Submission

  • Analysis of company procedures to identify possible barriers to EE
  • Development and implementation of relevant policies
  • Establishing the EE committee, facilitation of meetings
  • Demographic analysis of company workforce
  • Develop EE plan and affirmative action measures to address demographic and company procedures gaps
  • Completion and submission of Employment Equity reports to the Department of Labour

Skills Development (Full SDF Services)

  • Assist the employer and employees to develop a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP).
  • Conducting Skills Audit
  • Submit the Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) to the relevant SETA.
  • Advice on the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan.
  • Assist to draft an Annual Training Report (ATR) on the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan.
  • Advice on the quality assurance requirements set by the SETA.
  • Act as a contact person between you and the SETA.
  • Visit and advise on appropriate training for the company which is likely to attract Discretionary Grant award
  • Submit the Discretionary Grant application according to the SETA requirements
  • Submit all reports necessary during the year of the discretionary grant award to ensure payments received by your company
  • Follow up on payments from the SETA

Job Grading and Salary Benchmarking (Paterson Job Grading)

  • The Paterson Job Grading System is method where jobs are evaluated based on predefined criteria. It analyses decision-making in job tasks, and categorises jobs into six groups that are graded and grouped into two to three sub-grades. These factors include stress, individual tolerance, length of job and number of responsibilities. These all correspond to organisational levels. The six grades, also called bands, define pay scales.